Assistant Professor of Practice
Oregon Sea Grant, Oregon State University Extension Service
Lincoln County, Oregon
Improve communications between industry, managers, and natural and social scientists through an intimate knowledge and understanding of diverse perspectives. Work with an interdisciplinary team to advance the understanding of policy makers and the public in the fields of marine resource sustainability, conservation management, environmental science, environmental policy, and socioecological systems. Plan, implement, and manage resource conservation and management programs, ensuring that such programs are designed to mutually benefit human and natural systems.
PhD, Ecology, University of California, Davis (UCD)
Department of Environmental Science and Policy (DES)
Certificate in Conservation Management
MA, Army War College
Emphasis: Strategic Studies
MBA, American Military University
Emphasis: Entrepreneurship
BSci, Environmental Science, Duke University
Emphasis: Ecology
2019–Present Assistant Professor of Practice, Oregon State University/Sea Grant, Newport, OR
- Marine Extension Agent for Lincoln County, Oregon, focusing on commercial fisheries, marine resource management, marine and coastal aquaculture, and coastal land use
- Academic faculty with Oregon State University Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Sciences Department in College of Agricultural Sciences
- Work with diverse stakeholders to foster cross-boundary communication and coordination amongst marine industry, researchers, and managers
- Improve understanding and management of coastal and nearshore marine resources, including commercially valuable marine species, aquaculture, energy development, and tourism assets
- Actively engage in the development and implementation of COS research projects, including strategic planning, Palau National Marine Sanctuary implementation, and small-scale fisheries signature initiative
- Work directly with Stanford faculty and COS external partners to advance our knowledge of local, national, and international marine resources and resource management
- Co-design and implement COS Educational initiatives, including biennial Ocean Policy Course.
- Supervise and mentor COS Early Career Fellows, Research Assistants, and interns
- Primary TA for two courses with 90 undergraduate students
- Led three discussion sections, mentoring students on material and providing input into presentations and writing assignments
- Section facilitator for full year course, responsible for independently designing and leading discussion group of seventeen students
- Educated and mentored underrepresented and first generation college students on college and career resources
- Single TA for course with 70 undergraduate students
- Met with students weekly to provide extended instruction on course materials, exam prep, and assistance with writing assignments
- Research funding provided by the David and Lucile Packard Foundation
- Single GSR working with three UC Davis faculty members (Dr. Mark Schwartz, Dr. James Sanchirico, Dr. Mike Springborn) to develop a manuscript (Sanchirico et al. 2013) and online resource on improving monitoring in conservation programs
- Full-time GSR as member of Conservation Management Fellowship program, funded by the Packard Foundation
- Worked with three other graduate students to research, design, and deliver a climate change vulnerability assessment to Point Reyes National Seashore. Developed manuscript on process and results (Hameed et al. 2013).
2023-Present Assistant Chief of Staff, Commander Naval Forces Korea HQ, Port Hueneme, CA
- Assistant Chief of Staff (ACOS) for Headquarters, CNFK, concentrating on developing plans, policies, and assessments
- CNFK provides readiness, training, and planning capabilities in support of Naval Forces in Republic of Korea
- Commanding Officer oversees 125 individuals across four Tactical Operations Centers (TOCs) and Mobile Tactical Operations Centers (MTOCs) on the US West Coast
- Naval Reserve TOCRON-10 provides mission essential operational support and communication when paired with P-3 or P-8 squadrons to find, track, and engage submarines and ships
- Executive Officer for CNFK Detachment Bravo, supervising and mentoring 25 Sailors
- CNFK provides readiness, training, and planning capabilities in support of Naval Forces in Republic of Korea
- Science, Technology, and Policy Fellow, assigned to the California Senate Committee on Natural Resources and Water
- Responsible for analyzing legislature referred to the Committee and briefing Committee Members on legislative analysis
- Analyzed and briefed legislation and other policy items related to natural resources, water, and environmental quality to Committee Chair, Senator Fran Pavley
- Senior officer responsible for Naval Reserve Mobile Tactical Operations unit, San Jose, CA
- MTOC provides expeditionary, mobile support to Maritime Patrol and Reconnaissance (MPR) forces.
- Senior officer responsible for Naval Reserve MCA unit, San Jose, CA
- MCA provides assistance to foreign nations at the request of their government. MCA personnel undergo extensive cultural awareness training, public affairs and media training, and country/regional studies.
- Fisheries and Marine Resources Subject Matter Expert. Aquaculture Training Officer. Provided in-person training to Kenyan fish farmers and government officials regarding tilapia and catfish aquaculture.
- Directed sourcing efforts in support of international military and humanitarian operations, resulting in the deployment of hundreds of Sailors, fostering global relations, security, and growth
- Coordinated schedules of more than 19 Admirals and Senior Executives, fostering compromises amongst disparate groups and focusing input of divergent stakeholders towards a common goal
- Instructor and Mission Commander for Reconnaissance aircraft EP-3
2023 Builder’s Initiative: Oregon Coastal Mariculture Collaborative; Workforce Development
$600,000 awarded to support the expansion of Oregon’s coastal aquaculture sector and reduce barriers and risks associated with starting commercial fishing businesses.
2021 NOAA Special Projects J: Food from the Sea
$135,586 awarded for “Casting a Wider Net: building resilience in the Pacific Northwest by increasing career-connected training and education opportunities in seafood production”. Joint research project with Washington Sea Grant to develop curriculum for seafood-related workforce development program for fisheries and aquaculture.
2021 NIOSH COVID Intergovernmental Personnel Act (IPA) Assignment
“Seafood industry worker health and safety during COVID-19”; received second year of funding to address vaccine distribution and hesitancy in coastal communities
2020 NIOSH COVID Intergovernmental Personnel Act (IPA) Assignment
“Seafood industry worker health and safety during COVID-19”; disseminate existing NIOSH guidance in a user-friendly, audience centered, culturally appropriate way, and identify how vessels are currently implementing guidance, identify barriers, and develop practical work-arounds to reduce COVID-19 risk
2020 NOAA Rapid Response Grant
$100,000 awarded for “Supporting seafood community resilience through the Eat Oregon Seafood collaborative consumer education initiative”; a multi-pronged effort to expand on Oregon Sea Grant’s ongoing extension work to support the farmed and wild-caught seafood sector through public education, extension programming, and communication products
2018 NCEAS/Future Earth PEGASuS Grant
$185,680 awarded for “Managing Ocean Change and Food Security: Implementing Palau’s National Marine Sanctuary”; multi-disciplinary working group focused on developing economically and ecologically sustainable policies for Palau’s National Marine Sanctuary and local fisheries
2014 John A Knauss Marine Policy Fellowship
Offered a Marine Science Policy Fellowship with the Executive branch of the Federal government; one year placement with an Executive committee or Agency to act as a marine science advisor
2014 California Council on Science and Technology Policy Fellowship
Accepted a Science Policy Fellowship with the California state government; one year placement within the Legislature to act as a science and technology advisor in the development of state laws and regulations
2014 People’s Choice Award, UCD Interdisciplinary Graduate and Professional Student Symposium
2013 Switzer Foundation Fellowship
$15,000 awarded, to be applied towards research and school-related expenses; training at annual fellowship retreats; position in Switzer Network as a Switzer Fellow
2009 Packard Conservation Management Fellowship
Two years of graduate funding by the David and Lucile Packard Foundation; certificate program with emphasis on human and natural dimensions of conservation and resource management
Satterthwaite, E.V., L. McQuain, A.A. Almada, J.M. Rudnick, A.L. Eberhardt, A.N. Doerr, R.J. O’Connor, N. Wright, R.A. Briggs, M.J. Robbins, C. Bastidas, E.L. Sparks, K.A. Goodrich, and W.J. Costello. 2024. Centering knowledge co-production in sustainability science: Why, how, and when. Oceanography, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2024.217
Doerr, A.N., C Pomeroy, and F Conway. 2023. Coastal Community Development. In: Spalding, A.K. and Suman, D. O. (eds.), Oceans and Society, Ch. 14. London: Routledge. doi: ttps://doi.org/10.4324/9781003058151
Doerr, A.N., L Anderson, and J Scorse. 2023. Marine Entrepreneurship. In: Spalding, A.K. and Suman, D. O. (eds.), Oceans and Society, Ch. 15. London: Routledge. doi: ttps://doi.org/10.4324/9781003058151
Doerr, A.N. 2021. Regulating for social and environmental sustainability: A stakeholder perspective from the Bahamian spiny lobster fishery. Marine Policy, doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpol.2020.104366
Dundas, S.J., Arielle S. Levine, Rebecca L. Lewison, Jameal F. Samhouri, Crow White, Aaron W. E. Galloway, Elliot L. Hazen, Ana Spalding, Adrien Stier, Angee N. Doerr, Corey Garza, Tessa Hill, Jacqueline Padilla-Gamiño, and J. Wilson White. 2020. Integrating Oceans into Climate Policy: Any Green New Deal Needs a Splash of Blue. Conservation Letters. https://doi.org/10.1111/conl.12716
Doerr, Angee N, Nathan Emery, Cari Ficken, Avery Scherer, Timothy Fullman, and Molly Reichenborn. 2020. Human Dimensions: Professional Development for the Everyday Early-Career Ecologist. ESA Bulletin. https://doi.org/10.1002/bes2.1695
Finkbeiner, Elena M., Fiorenza Micheli, Nathan J. Bennett, Adam L. Ayers, Elodie Le Cornu, and Angee N. Doerr. 2017 Exploring trade-offs in climate change response in the context of Pacific Island fisheries. Marine Policy, doi: 10.1016/j.marpol.2017.09.032
Le Cornu, Elodie, Angee N. Doerr, Elena M. Finkbeiner, Don Gourlie, and Larry B. Crowder. 2017. Spatial management in small-scale fisheries: A potential approach for climate change adaptation in Pacific Islands. Marine Policy, doi: 10.1016/j.marpol.2017.09.030
Doerr, Angela. 2014. Condos, culture, and conflict: the social and ecological impacts of artificial habitat use in The Bahamas. PhD dissertation, University of California Davis. Ann Arbor: ProQuest/UMI. (Publication No. UMI 3646277.)
Doerr A., S. Cardenas, S. Jardine, H. Yoon, S. Bucaram, and J.N. Sanchirico. 2013. Territorial Use
Rights in Fisheries (TURFs). In: Shogren, J.F., (ed.) Encyclopedia of Energy, Natural Resource, and Environmental Economics, Volume 2, pp. 232-242. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
Hameed, S.O., K.A. Holzer, A.N. Doerr, J.H. Baty, and M.W. Schwartz. 2013. The value of a multi-faceted climate change vulnerability assessment to managing protected lands: Lessons from a case study in Point Reyes National Seashore. Journal of Environmental Management, 121:37-47. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2013.02.034
Sanchirico, J.N., M.R. Springborn, M.W. Schwartz, and A.N. Doerr. 2013. Investment and the policy process in conservation monitoring. Conservation Biology, doi: 10.1111/cobi.12187.
2023 Oral Presentation at Ecological Society for American Annual Meeting 2023
Title: Innovation and collaboration along the knowledge-to-action continuum
2023 Symposium Organizer at Ecological Society for American Annual Meeting 2023
Title: The Ocean Decade: Opportunities for Ecological Research and Engagement Across Disciplines
2023 Oral Presentation at National Aquaculture Association Annual Meeting 2023
Title: Past, Present, and future of Aquaculture for Oregon Sea Grant
2022 Invited Speaker, Oregon Envirothon Educator Conference 2022
Title: Oceans and Climate
2022 Oral Presentation, Oregon and Pacific Northwest Aquaculture Development Conference 2022
Title: NextGen PNW Seafood
2021 Invited Seminar Speaker, Oregon State University’s Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Sciences Fall Seminar Series
Title: Casting a Wider Net: Building more resilient communities in the Pacific Northwest
2021 Oral Presentation at National Aquaculture Association Annual Meeting 2021
Title: Expanding Aquaculture Investment In Oregon Using A Novel Geospatial & Financial Planning Tool
2021 Oral Presentation at Ecological Society for American Annual Meeting 2021 (Virtual)
Title: Open democratic access to knowledge and research : Reflections from COVID-19
2021 Oral Presentation at Oregon American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting 2021 (Virtual)
Title: Scientists as facilitators: building connections between research, industry, and management
2020 Co-lead Facilitator, Oregon State University Dialogue Facilitation Lab (10-wk course)
2020 Oral Presentation at Oregon State University Extension Annual Conference 2020 (Virtual)
Title: Getting Seafood Back on the Menu During COVID-19 with #EatOregonSeafood
2020 Oral Presentation at Ecological Society for American Annual Meeting 2020 (Virtual)
Title: Transitioning from learner to change agent practitioner-The interdisciplinary skill sets for future employability
2020 Oral Presentation at Ecological Society for American Annual Meeting 2020 (Virtual)
Title: Working to advance diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice as early career ecologists
2020 Invited Seminar Speaker, Oregon State University’s Hatfield Marine Science Center
Title: Science on Tap: Walking the Docks…virtually
2020 Panelist, Career Workshop at National Council on Science and the Environment (NCSE) Annual Meeting 2020
Title: Career pathways for scientists interested in decision-making
2019 Invited Guest Lecturer, Coastal Ecology and Resource Management, Oregon State University
Title: Healthy Communities, Healthy Oceans: Marine Social-Ecological Systems
2019 Invited Seminar Speaker, UC Davis Bodega Marine Lab
Title: Fishing for Community: Fisheries as Social-Ecological Systems
2019 Invited Seminar Speaker, Oregon State University’s Hatfield Marine Science Center
Title: Fishing for Community
2019 Moderator, Inspire Session at Ecological Society for American Annual Meeting 2019
Title: First Year on the Job: Tips and Traps
2018 Oral Presentation at Ecological Society for American Annual Meeting 2018
Title: A typology of fisheries: Addressing threats to small-scale fisheries through a framework for scalable solutions
2017 Instructor and Facilitator, Center for Ocean Solutions 2017 Ocean Policy Course
2017 Invited Guest Lecturer, Marine Ecology, California State University, Monterey Bay
Title: Science to Policy; or: The long strange path to here
2017 Moderator, Career Workshop at AAAS Annual Meeting 2017
Title: Pathways for Scientist Participation in Policymaking
2016 Oral Presentation at Western Society of Naturalists 2016
Title: Increasing State Capacity to Engage Marine Resource Stakeholders
2015 Oral Presentation at Western Society of Naturalists 2015
Title: Institutional norms, failure, and conflict in the Bahamian spiny lobster fishery
2014 Invited Guest Lecturer, School of Renewable Natural Resources, Louisiana State University
Title: Ecological impacts of lobster condos on the marine environment of The Bahamas
2014 Exit Seminar, upon completion of PhD, UCD
Title: Condos, culture, and conflict: the social and ecological impacts of artificial habitat use in the Bahamian spiny lobster fishery
2014 Oral Presentation at Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting 2014
Title: Condos and conflict: Sociopolitical implications of condo use in the Bahamian spiny lobster (Panulirus argus) fishery
2014 Oral presentation at Interdisciplinary Graduate and Professional Student Symposium
Title: Ecological impacts of lobster condos on Bahamian marine species
2014 Oral presentation at the Graduate Student Symposium in Ecology
Title: Condos and Conflict: Socioeconomic impacts of condo use in the Bahamian spiny lobster fishery
2013 Oral presentation at Aquaculture Association of Canada 2013
Title: Increasing international food security: the role of the United States Military
2013 Oral presentation at Interdisciplinary Graduate and Professional Student Symposium
Title: Socioeconomic impacts of condo use in the Bahamian spiny lobster fishery
2011 Oral presentation at International Conference for Conservation Biology
Title: Climate change vulnerability assessment for a national park in California: Evaluating community level vulnerability
2011 Poster presentation at Society for Human Ecology 2011
Title: A Community-Level Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment for Point Reyes National Seashore Managers
2011 Oral presentation (with co-authors) at George Wright Society 2011
Title: How Climate Change Threatens Communities: A Management Question at Point Reyes National Seashore
2011 Oral presentation at Futures of Wild Marin
Title: Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment: Point Reyes National Seashore
2024-Present Ecological Society of America (ESA) Governing Board Member
2023 Reviewer, Sustainable Agriculture, Aquacultures, and Fisheries proposals for California Climate Action Initiative
2023-Present NASEM Committee Member, Inclusive and Equitable Oceans
2021-Present Subject Matter Editor, Ecological Applications
2020-Present Western Regional Aquaculture Center (WRAC) Technical Committee (Extension) *Currently Executive Committee Chair*
2020-Present Oregon State University President’s Commission on the Status of Women (PCOSW)
2020-Present Ecological Society of America (ESA) Publications Committee *Chair of Committee August 2023-2024*
2019-Present Yaquina Bay Economic Foundation (YBEF) Member *Currently Treasurer*
2019-Present Oregon State University Search Advocate
2021-2023 National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) Ocean Science Board Early Career Liaison for Ocean Decade US
2021-2023 Founding Member, Early Career Ocean Professional (ECOP) UN Ocean Decade U.S. Node
2021-2022 Search Committee Chair, Coastal Hazards Assistant Professor of Practice, OSG/OSUES
2020-2021 Past Chair, Early Career Section, Ecological Society of America (ESA)
2019-2020 Chair, Early Career Section, Ecological Society of America (ESA)
2018-2019 Vice Chair, Early Career Section, Ecological Society of America (ESA)
2015-2018 International Network of Next-Generation Ecologists (INNGE) Working Group
2014 Ecology Group Graduate Student Selection Committee, UC Davis, CA
2013–2014 Guardian Scholars Program, UC Davis, CA
2010–2014 Graduate Ally Coalition, UC Davis, CA
2009–2014 Ecology Graduate Student Association, UC Davis, CA
2009–2013 Society for Conservation Biology, UC Davis, CA
2009–2013 Graduate Group of Ecology Sustainability Committee, UC Davis, CA
2009–2013 UC Davis Graduate Student Association, UC Davis, CA
2020 CPR/AED; First Aid; and Stop the Bleed Instructor (Renewed in 2022, 2024)
2019 Wilderness First Responder, NOLS (Renewed in 2021, 2023)
2011 Conservation Management Program, UC Davis
2011 Scientific Diver, UC Davis
2011 Master Diver, NAUI
2011 Rescue Diver, PADI
2010 Maritime Civil Affairs Officer, U.S. Navy
2009 Graduate Ally, UC Davis
2008 Sexual Assault Victim Intervention (SAVI) Advocate, U.S. Navy
2005 EP-3 Instructor, U.S. Navy
2004 P-3/EP-3 Navigator, U.S. Navy
2003 Naval Flight Officer, U.S. Navy